Framework Agreement for the Provision of Legal Services.
The Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (SLCC) wishes to appoint three legal firms to operate under a Framework Agreement for the provision of legal services, for a 4 year period from July 2014. The main areas for legal support will include (but are not limited to):- Acting for the SLCC in relation to appeals against its determinations and/or judicial reviews of its decisions. This will include instructing Counsel (or where appropriate solicitor advocates) as necessary, providing advice on prospects of success of defending appeals/judicial reviews, providing advice about and seeking, where appropriate, bonds of caution and providing advice about the approach to take in relation to appeals/judicial reviews. General legal advice will also be required in accordance with instructions from the SLCC including (but not limited to) advice in relation to the SLCC's statutory powers and functions; governance arrangements; interpretation of the Legal Profession and Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 2007 and other relevant legislation; freedom of information; data protection; human rights; employment law and advice in relation to property matters. The firms appointed under the Framework will also be required to provide training and development opportunities to the SLCC.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79100000 - Legal services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors