Framework Agreement for the Provision of Short Breaks for Disabled Children and Young People up to the age of 18 years
The London Borough of Hounslow is procuring a framework that works with multiple providers offering different services who can deliver a range of short break activities for disabled children and young people up to the age of 18 years. Within Hounslow the short breaks on offer provide both specialist activities and access to non-specialist activities for disabled children and young people up to the age of 18 years. We want to continue to offer a short breaks programme with greater flexibility with regard to when the short break is taken and the length of the short break. We would want to provide short breaks activities across the Borough of Hounslow that minimise travelling. These could be inclusive schemes with non-disabled children and we want to identify venues and providers who are able to work together to offer locally based short breaks. We are seeking providers who can deliver the below range of short break activities. This list is not exhaustive, and we welcome additional ideas for short breaks from providers themselves that meet the general aims of the Short Beaks Programme. The Short Breaks to be re-commissioned that we currently provide a) Sports activities scheme including horse riding, swimming lessons, sports clubs etc b) Holiday play schemes c) Music activities (including therapy) d) Activities that develop independence such as cookery sessions, friendship groups, clubs e) Family cinema screenings and theatre performances f) Creative activities including young reporters scheme g) After-school clubs h) Homecare/community support to work directly with the Children with Disabilities Social Work team. Short breaks to be commissioned (not currently provided) i) Overnights - e.g. activity breaks, museums, sleep-overs, camping (outside of residential care). j) After school clubs k) Under 5 yrs old activities l) Support to enable access for children with complex health needs to access and participate in the short breaks programme. m) Adventure type activities not too far from Hounslow The full tender documents can be obtained and accessed via the London tenders portal For further
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85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors