Framework Agreement to Supply High Visibility Surcoats to UK Fire and Rescue Services
Fire-fighters in the UK wear high visibility surcoats over their personal protective equipment (PPE). The surcoat design should aid breathability to reduce heat exhaustion through dehydration. Fire and Rescue Services (FRS’s) use a range of different colours and role names to distinguish between the different roles being carried out on the incident ground. National Operational Guidance (NOG), the foundation of Incident Command gives clear identification of command roles. Through the establishment of this framework agreement over fifty UK FRS’s will have the capability to place direct call off orders with the winning bidder(s). A directory listing potential Fire and Rescue customers can be located on the Chief Fire Officers Association (CFOA) homepage. link The opportunity was broken down into two lots as follows: Lot 1- High Visibility Jackets Class 3 including National Incident Command Roles conforming to BS EN ISO20471:2013 Lot 2- High Visibility Tabard Class 2 including National Incident Command roles conforming to BS EN ISO20471:2013 Companies were invited to bid for all or any of the available lots. It is the preference of the Authority that all the above Lots will be awarded to a single Tenderer. However, should it be more economically advantageous to do so, the Authority may award separate contracts for each Lot or a combination of Lots to separate Tenderers. The anticipated value of supply is £800,000. The opportunity was advertised in OJEU and the refernce number was: 2015/S 249-454197. The contract notice award on OJEU is: 2016/S 102-181349.
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CPV Codes
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors