Framework for an Integrated Communications Control System (ICCS)
The purpose of this competition is to establish a 4 year Framework Agreement with a single service provider for the provision of an ICCS in preparation for the implentation of the Emergency Services Framework. The Kent Police and Crime Commissioner, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex, [and the Kent and Medway Fire Authority] intend to sign call-off contracts on the same day that the framework agreement. Whilst there has been no indication of any other firm commitment at this stage, other named Police Forces may decide to use this Framework Agreement as the basis for their contract during the Framework term. This is a highly time constrained and force critical requirement – therefore suppliers must be able to demonstrate that they can meet the project deadlines as stated within the procurement documentation. The minimum draft requirements are for a supplier to provide an integrated solution in regards to the following: • ICCS (Integrated Communication Control System); • Command and Control; • Mapping (GIS); • ARLS (Automatic Resource Location System); • Integration with the Emergency Service Network (ESN) and AirWave/ Tetra during the implementation period; • Capability to interface with other existing systems including but not limited to Teleopti, Storm, Athena, voice and data recording services. The supplier must offer a compliant bid in accordance with the tender documentation and an optional hosted solution. The call-off contracts under the Framework Agreement for the ICCS shall be based on the Crown Commercial Services/Government Legal Services model services contract and will be for up to 9 years duration, made up of an initial term plus optional extensions. There will be an ultimate end date for all call-offs. The requirements include but are not restricted to the following: • a solution that is integrated to meet current and future needs providing better, streamlined systems, aligning with the Authority’s and the Related Authorities’ strategic objectives, • solution and integration services to configure, implement and support the solution, • a solution that is fit for purpose for at least 10 years after implementation, • a solution that interfaces with other systems currently in use within the Authority and Related Authorities environments ; it must be sufficiently flexible to meet any future interface requirements, • a solution that uses “Commercial Off The Shelf” (COTS) products, commodity software and hardware wherever possible, • meet the business needs and support integrated end to end processes, • deliver exceptional value for money whilst reducing any risk to the Authority • Interoperability for policing – including internal/external alliances and collaborations, • Interoperability for other Emergency Service requirements (e.g. KMFS) • Integration directly with the Forces’ and KMFS’ web site(s). The Competitive Procedure with Negotiation will be used.
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors