Framework for the Provision of Children's Short Break Activities and Support Services (Aiming High)
The Council is seeking to secure suitable Providers to provide Children's Short Break Activities and Support Services for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Providers are required who can offer Children's Short Break Activities and Support Services which are safe and enjoyable and promote independence and meet the varied needs of Children and Young People within Staffordshire. Comprises of 3 lots: Lot 1. Activities Family Attendance (Age 0-17 years) Family Attendance can be accessed by Children and Young People with SEND aged 0-17 years old, as in accordance with the specified Eligibility Criteria, and their Families. This may include parents / Carers, siblings and extended family members. Activities - Family Attendance may include, but are not limited to: •Family Fun / Information Days; •Leisure and Recreational Activities and Trips; Providers may facilitate activities specifically for Children and Young people with SEND and their Families to participate in or may seek to provide additional support / resources to enable Children and Young People with SEND and their Families to participate in 'existing universal' activities. The provision of Activities - Family Attendance may: •Enable the 'whole family unit' to spend 'quality time' participating in a fun and interesting activity; •Enable Children and Young People with SEND and their Families and Carers to connect / socialise with their local community; •Equip Families and Carers of Children and Young people with SEND with the skills and confidence to participate in further community based opportunities. Lot 2. Activities For Children / Young People Individual Attendance (Age 0-17 years) Activities for Children/Young People Individual Attendance can be accessed by Children and Young People with SEND aged 0-17 years old, as in accordance with the specified Eligibility Criteria, independently of their Families and Carers Activities for Children/Young People Individual Attendance may include, but are not limited to: •Preparing for independence; •Leisure and Recreational Activities and Trips; Providers may facilitate activities specifically for Children and Young People with SEND to participate in or may seek to provide additional support to enable Children and Young People with SEND to participate in 'existing universal' activities. Lot 3. Life / Independence Skills (Age 11-25 years) Lifeskills and Independence can be accessed by Children and Young People with SEND aged 11-25 years old, as in accordance with the specified Eligibility Criteria, independently of their Families and Carers. Providers will require skills in working with Children and Young People with SEND and their Families or Carers to identify and agree Individualised Person Centred Outcomes, to be achieved through this time limited provision, in advance of the physical provision of support commencing.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors