Free Zone and White Paper Analysis
The aim of the study is to develop a Free Zone White Paper for subsequent consideration by HM Treasury in March 2019. The White Paper will be presented to HM Treasury, by the Metro Mayor of Tees Valley, Ben Houchen. The preparation of a Free Zone White Paper may require the following activities: •Identification of a long list and short list of free zone (trade and regulatory) scenarios. These should be based on international best practice; •A short list of possible options and associated implementation models should be developed, based on the appropriateness to the UK economy (in terms of regulatory conditions and sectoral composition). The short list must also assess the complementarity and cumulative impacts of not just individual scenarios, but variable portfolios of powers; •An econometric model as to the impact of the scenarios must be developed for not only the proposed Free Zone test bed in Tees Valley but also the wider UK economy, taking into consideration: specific impacts on priority sectors for the location/region and the wider national economy; and •Development of a White Paper including the full costs and impacts for each scenario and a preferred option (in terms of sector, geographical scale and scope of powers) and associated delivery option. Instructions to Suppliers: Please be advised that Tees Valley Combined Authority are conducting this procurement via the NEPO Portal (Pro-Contract) You will need to register as a supplier on the site (registration is free) and search for Tees Valley Combined Authority/ Stockton Borough Council within the Contract Opportunities section. Once your expression of interest has been received, immediate access to the tender documentation is granted, (accessible via My Opportunities page) for the person who expressed the interest.
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CPV Codes
79311400 - Economic research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors