Friends for Families
Provision of Volunteer Support Programme for Families with Children with SEND Need in Wiltshire Wiltshire Council has a priority to ensure that families living in Wiltshire get the best start in life, this will be managed by offering early support services. Wiltshire Council are seeking a Supplier who will offer early volunteer support to families. The Friends for Families service will support children of primary school age who have identified SEND are at risk of suspension or who have been suspended. The child may have behaviours that challenge in the home setting which impact upon their ability to access education. Families identified will be those without an existing Wiltshire Council keyworker, social worker, SEND worker or Family Hub Practitioner. Access to the service will be agreed through the identification of need by schools. Identified children, who meet the criteria will be triaged by the Early Help Hub and forwarded to the supplier. Children, young people and parents/carers will then access the service directly outside of school hours at a convenient time for the families from a volunteer local to the area. This support will take the form of visits and activities with the child. The Supplier will need to provide the service face to face with young people, where possible, but also use other methods of contact and support – e.g. telephone, video calling
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CPV Codes
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors