FS900221 A rapid evidence review on consumer and industry understanding of sustainable food and its importance when making food choices
The FSA wants to explore what sustainable food and a sustainable diet means to consumers. We would like to uncover both spontaneous unprompted understanding of sustainability and understanding once prompted with information. Furthermore, we would like an indication of the public's level or maturity of understanding, to uncover how well people think they understand the term and whether they feel they have the information to support knowledge and understanding and how this relates to food choices. We would also like to understand how important sustainability is when making food choices, and the trade-offs that consumers face when making these decisions. We would also like to understand what sustainability means to industry, for example retailers, food producers/manufacturers, suppliers, food brands, restaurants/take-aways and delivery services. We would like to understand their views on sustainable food and diets, their level of understanding and information, what they are committed to and what their perceived impact as a business is when it comes to sustainability.
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