FS900246 Review of allergen analytical testing methodologies -measurement parameters and sensitivity of methods
Applicants are invited to submit tenders to carry out a desk-based literature review of the analytical methodologies available for allergen testing, limitations of the methods, cost effectiveness, reporting units and analytical threshold levels for different matrices. A clear review of the methods and techniques used by laboratories in detecting and quantifying priority allergens including any validation data and standardisation within UK, Europe or internationally. This should include any limitations, including problems with cross-reactivity and possible counter resolution for these problems. There should be cost /benefit analysis for each method and adaptability into laboratories. Detailed information on the sensitivity of the method (limit of detection, quantitation, range) should be provided and what is being measured in each food matrix. It would be beneficial to summarise the review in a table, an example to be provided in the tender application. A testing protocol to be discussed for each allergen, please provide an outline in the tender.
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1 Possible Competitors