Fulfilment Services
The GMC has a daily requirement to generate and despatch documents relating to the registration of doctors. This includes the generation of over 90 types of document which are generated on 3 types of paper stock, some document types having an associated set of enclosures.The volume of documents despatched annually ranges between 150,000 and 250,000. On average, up to 800 documents are despatched per day, though there are several peaks throughout the year which also need to be accommodated. The peak requirement is to generate and despatch up to 50,000 documents in a given day. In addition to the physical generation of the documents, a proportion of the required documents should be returned to the GMC in electronic / digital format.The GMC cannot commit to volumes indicated and continue to innovate through other existing channels. In addition, the GMC has an ongoing ad-hoc campaign mailing requirement.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79571000 - Mailing services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors