Funding Development Officer ? Job description
To lead on the identification of new sources of local, regional, national and international funding which all flood risk management partners within the RFCC?s geographical area could potentially benefit from. The post holder will also need to research potential private funding sources and have an ability to seek contributions from the private sector organisations identified i.e. from local businesses which would benefit from FECRM work. To also support partners with the development, management, monitoring and reporting of Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) partnership funding bids. The successful post holder will be expected identify opportunities for funding through the growth agenda, working for example with the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs), Local Authorities, The Environment Agency (EA), Water and sewerage providers (WASCs) and Internal Drainage Boards (IDBs). The role could also identify opportunities through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Section 106 process. The post holder shall also identify synergies between partners, implement efficiencies and secure economies of scale in delivery, for example through the packaging of bids or work. Innovative thinking is a critical aspect of this role. The role could, for example, explore: ? Opportunities for alternative sources of funding such as pump-priming funding to facilitate growth, which can be borrowed at a much lower rate by Local Authorities and then paid back gradually by the developers/beneficiaries. ? Ways to influence the existing rules and regulations, which govern the use of FDGiA and limit forward funding for growth purposes.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors