Fundraising Health Check Project Evaluation
The Institute of Fundraising wishes to appoint a consultant with experience in evaluation of third sector projects to undertake ongoing evaluation of the Fundraising Health Check and Executive Coaching project. The evaluation will commence during year two of the project (starting April 2018), and will include an overall evaluation of the project’s achievements and legacy after it comes to an end in March 2020.The aim of the evaluation study is to gain feedback from project participants and other stakeholders on the impact participating in the project has had on their fundraising. The study will clarify whether the two aspects of fundraising coaching (through the Fundraising Heath Check and the Executive Coaching) were successful in their methods to increase fundraising knowledge and confidence amongst organisations and individual fundraisers in Wales. It will also identify what added value the participants have received from additional activities within the project, such as networking meetings and training courses, as well as added value gained by the Institute of Fundraising through the delivery of the project.IoF Cymru welcomes suggestions within the quotation for the most appropriate and efficient ways to gain feedback from project participants, who are based all over Wales with limited spare time. All participants who completed their fundraising strategies prior to the engagement of an external evaluator will have completed evaluation forms designed by the Project Coordinator.Detailed Requirements6.1Fundraising Health CheckThe Supplier will evaluate the Fundraising Health Check participant’s perspective on the quality and value of the support they have received. This will involve interviewing both the trustees and staff, and obtaining their opinions of:i.if and how the coaching support improved fundraising knowledge within the organisation;ii.if and how the coaching support improved confidence in fundraising within the organisation;iii.if and how the coaching support has led to improved income generation for the organisation;iv.what further support the organisation feels it would benefit from to continue to develop and improve their fundraising and overall sustainability.6.2Executive CoachingThe Supplier will evaluate the Executive Coaching participant’s perspectives on the quality and value of the support they have received. This will involve interviewing the participants, and obtaining their opinions of:i.if and how the coaching support improved the individual’s fundraising knowledge;ii.if and how the coaching support improved the individual’s confidence in fundraising;iii.what further support the individual feels they would benefit from to continue to develop and improve their fundraising ability.6.3Supporters’ PerspectivesThe Supplier will evaluate the public’s perspective on the fundraising activities of charities that have participated in the Fundraising Health Check. This will involve:i.assessing whether or not any identified increases in income generation can be attributed directly to activities that were carried out as part of a charity’s new fundraising strategy;ii.interviewing supporters of participating charities for their views on the quality of communications/fundraising activities before and after the project’s intervention;6.4OutcomesThe Supplier will :i.prepare an evaluation study report taking into consideration the details set out in this Clause 6;ii.ensure that the evaluation report includes:•a summary of all the feedback from participants, supporters and the public in relation to the issues highlighted in Clause 3 Scope above;•any added value the project activities have created for participants;•recommendations for ways in which the Institute of Fundraising can continue to support fundraisers and fundraising organisations in Wales in the future;iii.provide appropriate evidence, case studies and assets in agreed formats so that the evaluation study can be promoted through social media, press releases and the IoF website (including the consultant directly promoting the results of the report as agreed with the IoF);iv.provide evidence of all research undertaken
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1 Possible Competitors