Fungicide Mixtures
This project involves investigating and summarising in a report the available information on the efficacy of plant protection fungicide mixtures to establish what constitutes a 'balanced fungicde mixture' (in terms of level of effectiveness of each active componant, and ratio of active substances). The focus of this work must be in relation to important UK diseases and mixtures. It will assist in the delivery of a regulatory approach and guidance to support the sustainable and effective management of fungicide mixtures. Geographical: UK wide - important for all disease pathogens Language: English The results of the work will be provided in a scientific report summarising what consititues a "balanced fungicide mixture", providing the necessary academic riggor and references. The report must also outline potential approaches to impelmenting a system for the effective management of fungicide mixtures. The final report should be of sufficient quality and suitable for publication as a standalone report in the Defra Scientific Series Defra, UK - Science Search. The work must be completed before 31 March 2022. The report must be completed in English. The output of this project will be used to contribute to the development of a regulatory tool to help sustainably manage fungicide mixtures and delay disease resistance as long as possible. Experience in the use of pesticides, research into the efficacy of pesticides and experience of writing scientiofic peer reviewed publications will be necessary. As part of the tender response please provide brief CV's outlining the experience of the individual(s) that will be undertaking the work and a list of their relevent publications.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors