Future Bus Systems: Part 1 — Routes and Schedules
The scope of routes and schedules is the replacement of the current platforms that provide the routes and schedules service for the London bus network, which are obsolete and running on extended support contracts.These platforms are a combination of systems that together provide the following functionality: definition of the structure and frequency of bus route services including the route information and stop sequences for London bus routes, interfaces with Bus Operator Companies (BOC) to receive, validate and manage schedules for the defined routes and services, generating individual “stop” timetables including stop specific, matrix format and multi route panel for display at Bus stops and the onward transmission of schedule and route data to a number of systems and stakeholders in a timely manner. The above data provides valuable input into the management of the bus operating companies who provide services under contracts managed by TfL buses to a combined value of 1 800 000 000.
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