Future Opportunity - Early Release on Compassionate Grounds
In line with the Early Release on Compassionate Grounds (ERCG) Policy Framework, the Public Protection Casework Section (PPCS), within the Public Protection Group (PPG) in HMPPS, require independent medical advisors to provide a view on ERCG applications for health and social care related cases. The role of an independent medical advisor is to review and interpret the clinical reports contained within the ERCG application. A medical advisor must be a qualified doctor with current General Medical Council registration. This is a crucial and essential part of the application process. The medical advisor will be expected to review the reports, provide a plain English summary, and provide a view on whether the clinical criteria for consideration for ERCG is met. This will be written in a format that is accessible to non-clinical personnel within PPG/HMPPS, to inform their decision making. There may, on occasion, be a requirement for provision of follow up addendums. The Authority is considering establishment of a Framework to deliver this service. The service requires a quick turn-around from application; urgent requests are required within 24 hours, and non-urgent requests are required within 72 hours. The service will be conducted remotely and will be available to all prisons within England and Wales. It is anticipated that there will be approximately 100 applications per annum across the Framework. This volume estimate is provided for illustrative purposes only and should be treated as a best estimate at the time of publication. The Authority provides no guarantees of volumes, monetary commitment, or future requirements whatsoever.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85121200 - Medical specialist services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors