Future Proofing the Town Centre - Action Plan
Welcome Back Fund Future Proofing the Town Centre - Action Plan Background In April 2021 Central Bedfordshire Council wrote to town council's offering them the opportunity to access the central government Welcome Back Fund. The purpose of the fund was help local authorities encourage shoppers and employees to return to town centres in a safe way, and to ensure that economic activity returns as quickly as possible. Supporting documents to be made available to successful consultant •CBC letter dated 26th April 2021 •HRTC funding application •Town centre visitor survey dated 2019 Funding restrictions •The total funding available to HRTC is £15,000 •The funding deadline for spend is 31st March 2022 Brief re: Future Proofing the Town Centre - Action Plan In accordance with the HRTC funding application HRTC are looking to develop an action plan to future proof the town centre (reflecting on outcomes of the Town Centre survey completed in 2019) to encourage safe access into the town centre focusing on sustainable transport options specifically walking and cycling. The Action Plan is to identify opportunities, levers, blockages / constraints and to develop short, medium and long term actions. The Action plan should include: 1.Overarching strategic statement 2.10 guiding principles 3.Action points Additional actions (Outside of this Brief) Additional actions to be followed up on should WBF funding allow include: •Installation / refresh of signage and floor markings to encourage footfall into the town centre from local residential areas and local facilities; •Modernisation of cycle parking provision in the town centre to provide an attractive and fit for purpose facility. •A publicity campaign focused on visitor's role in ensuring that the local economy can reopen safely safe whilst promoting sustainable transport into the town centre to boost footfall and encourage people back into the high streets It is anticipated that these actions will be included with the Action Plan. Delivery Up to a half day workshop (in person) with staff and members looking at: •Opportunities - what is good in the town centre, what draws people in; •Levers - what has the town centre and the immediate surrounding area got which we can use to lever visitors not the centre •Blockages & Constraints - what will / does stop us maximising on the opportunities and using the levers •What could our short, medium and long term actions be. Preparation of a draft Action Plan to be shared with the Town Clerk and the WBF Working group members and feedback invited (Teams) Finalisation of the Action Plan and presentation to the Council (Teams) Application Process Please submit your proposal by email to
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