GB-Birmingham: Management & Delivery Services for UNBOXED International Delegations
UNBOXED is seeking delivery supplier/s to facilitate the delivery of the summer International Delegations. The delivery partner/s will be responsible for the management of the delegations and the delivery of the programmes. Areas of work include; •Travel and accommodation. Booking international travel for delegates, hotel accommodation for the duration of the delegation, airport transfers, and domestic travel during the delegation including buses and taxis •Subsistence and social. Planning, booking and delivering appropriate food and refreshment arrangements for the duration of the delegation, for example booking group meals, planning per diems, planning lunch arrangements •Delegate management. Coordinating all delegates to ensure they have all the information and support they require to make the most of their experience, including joining instructions, managing a whatsapp group, sharing timetables and trouble shooting issues •Curation and coordination. Working with UNBOXED to design manageable and achievable programmes of activity for the delegates •Financial management. Manage the budget and all associated payments and costs for the delivery of the delegations
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79952100 - Cultural event organisation services
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors