GB-Colchester: Request for Quotation - Graphic Design and Printing services
Enable East is an independent business unit within the North Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust. We are seeking quotations for graphic design & printing services in relation to our recently launched employability programme HeadsUp: a £1.7million, 3 year programme joint funded by the Big Lottery Fund & European Social Fund. We are procuring services to aid our engagement & communications strategy & we invite responses from interested suppliers who wish to be considered to provide graphic design & printing services over the course of our 3 year programme. SERVICE SPECIFICATION - GRAPHIC DESIGN & PRINTING We have developed a communications & engagement strategy that will flex to use a range of media channels identified as being most successful in reaching our participants & other key stakeholders. However whilst we have identified anticipated services that we will require, the volume of some products & types of media services used may change over the course of the 3 year programme & we require a supplier who can adapt to these changes. WE ARE SEEKING A SUPPLIER WHO CAN: •Develop innovative designs for a range of marketing materials that will include excellent quality of printing & finishing •A prompt & efficient turnaround on all proofs for checking with sufficient time for final amends to be made prior to printing •All documents to be clear, attractive, easy to read & compliant with any relevant legislation i.e. Disability & Discrimination Act •All design & layout to be undertaken by you, including sourcing photographs as appropriate •An ongoing commitment to minimise environmental impact by seeking to use paper with as high a recycled content as possible & use Forest Stewardship Council certified companies. Additionally, you will demonstrate commitment to minimise environmental impact in all aspects of your activity such as through transportation, delivery, printing process, finish and disposal of products & waste •Secure storage & back-up of all files held on behalf of Enable East to ensure business continuity •Packaging of publications into appropriately sized boxes suitable for onward distribution & the ability to package flexibly to fulfil delivery requests •Work with external suppliers as necessary on behalf of Enable East such as language translating services We invite quotations for each of the following items: •Logo design & brand development •Design & print leaflets in various sizes/quantities (this may include large print & other languages) •Design & print multiple A4 & A5 brochures ranging from 10 to 24 pages Flipbook of brochures •Banner stands •Design & print posters in various sizes/quantities •Design & print of ring binder folders •Production of several 3 minute infographic films (audio & visual) using industry standard software i.e Adobe After Effects/ Premier Pro - provided in formats suitable for upload to platforms such as YouTube & websites
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CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors