GB-Edinburgh: Refurbishment of Fife Ness Lighthouse
Painting work of buildings. Fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work. Fife Ness Lighthouse is at an elevation of 12m and a position of 56º 16.17' N, 02º 35.10' W. The character of the light is flashing white and red every 10 seconds with a range of white 21miles and red 20 miles. The lighthouse sits on a rock outcrop, which falls approximately 3m down to the shore to the south around the lightroom area. The station is bounded by a 2m concrete post and mesh fence topped with 3 layers of barbed wire. There is a tarmac track from the entrance gate up to the station entrance. The Lighthouse is a single storey building that consists of lantern room, control room and battery room. The light was first established in 1975. The proposed works principally involves the repair of and defective items and application of decorative / protective coatings to all external /internal surfaces of the structure. More specifically, the main items of project work are as listed below:- 1. Carry plant, tools and materials to site. 2. Ensure contractors own site welfare facilities accessible. 3. Carry out an Asbestos Refurbishment / Demolition Survey on the structure prior to the commencement of any work. The survey, sample collection and sample analysis must be carried by a UKAS accredited contractor in accordance with ISO 17020, ISO 17025 and Health & Safety Executive Guidance Notes; HSG 248, Asbestos: The analysts' guide for sampling, analysis and clearance procedures" and HSG264, Asbestos: The survey guide. A copy of the report must be issued to the Engineer prior to work commencement. 4. All licensed removal work must be carried out by Asbestos Removal Contractors who are in possession of a current asbestos license issued by the Health and Safety Executive and who are members of the Asbestos Removal Contractors Association (ARCA). Asbestos Removal Contractors must be assessed in advance by the NLB QHSE department. 5. External work (Lighthouse Station) Wash down prepare and paint externally. Replace entire security fence. Remove obsolete emergency optic. Minor building refurbishment works. 6. Internal work (Lighthouse Station) Washdown, prepare and paint internals of lighthouse. Minor building refurbishment works. 7. Remove rubbish off site on a regular basis, photographs of welfare facilities to be provide to NLB at the start and end of each trip to ensure basic hygiene levels are met. 8. The Contractor must supply the NLB Project Leader with 'as-built' drawings and information for incorporation within NLB Operational and Maintenance documentation, which includes the Health and Safety file in line with current CDM Regulations. Programme The contractor must submit a works programme, at tender stage with a proposed start date for the sequence of works within this project. It is anticipated that the programme of scheduled works will start in July/August 2024 and take place over a period of 8 weeks.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45340000 - Fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work
45442110 - Painting work of buildings
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors