GB-Leeds: CA0095
The Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has pioneered work to enable educational institutions and businesses to interact in diverse ways to enrich the curriculum and encourage enterprising behaviours amongst young people. In the Leeds City Region there is a diverse range of approaches, some of which are highly effective, to School – Business interaction and the development of enterprise interventions in their broadest sense. Careers and enterprise activities will be commissioned to continue to support the scale and reach of effective practice. The LEP has a Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) and a Skills Plan. There are four strategic pillars in the SEP including Strategic Pillar 2 – Developing a flexible and skilled workforce. There are three key themes in the Skills Plan, including ‘Building Skills in Education’ which the careers and enterprise in education fund will make a key contribution towards ‘improving the relevance of learning to LCR economy.’ This will be achieved by strengthening the links between schools/colleges and businesses so that pupils in every school/college can experience the world of work in a meaningful way and make better informed choices about their future, whilst successfully identifying and developing the required skills. The Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership have embedded an Employability strand of work to the Employer Ownership Pilot to fund the work. The funds identified are to provide Employability Activities in education settings within Leeds City Region. The activities must be “designed to help individuals understand the qualifications requirements to enter occupations and encouraging them to enter careers in specific industries”, in total we are contracted to engage with and evidence activity with a minimum of 6,500 individual young people between October 2015 and March 2017.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors