GB-London: 2016-2017-018 Digital Inclusion RFQ
Metropolitan Housing seeks to appoint a suitable provider for the provision of a range of Digital Inclusion IT training (accredited and/or non-accredited) to residents across the housing stock nationally. The selected provider will devise and execute a training programme that will increase the number of residents that are IT literate, have access to IT and are actively accessing services online. The selected provider will be required to provide IT training from (basic and intermediary) and demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of learner support - more importantly the level of support community learners will need, and a good understanding of learning in a community setting and the barriers to learning. While the service requirement is primarily training delivery, potential bidders must appreciate the ultimate aim of improving lives by facilitating greater independence. Whether that be, for the participant, learning a new skill, increasing employability, accreditation, social networking or keeping up with technology through day to day application. The potential participants will have varied needs. Many will not have used IT before or have only basic knowledge, may be unemployed, have English as a second language and may present themselves a challenge due to their own personal circumstances. Potential providers must demonstrate a clear understanding, knowledge and experience of training delivery in a community setting, the barriers to learning and challenges to commitment and motivation with tangible qualitative results. The selected provider will be required to provide learning/training to a minimum of 200 individual learners by 31st March 2017.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors