GB-London: Identifying challenges and sharing learning on support for low-income households - the role of councils in addressing the 'cost-of-living' crisis
To deliver: -Two 'problem definition' events on 16th and 17th February 2022 for a wide group of council officers, which specify some key challenges councils would like to work through to develop a more sustainable and integrated approach to identifying and supporting low-income households from March 2022 -A series of up to six tailored action learning sets (or similar) based on the issues identified at the initial events, to encourage collective problem-solving to work through and identify potential solutions and opportunities for further SLI as appropriate -To develop the skills, through practice-based training, of LGA officers in designing and facilitating action learning (or similar) as part of the LGA's ongoing approach to supporting the sector and facilitating SLI -To work jointly with LGA colleagues on a follow-up session to share learning from the smaller sessions, identify where shared learning has led to changed / improved approaches and specify opportunities for further development -Support LGA officers to develop a framework to evaluate the impact of this support on councils' local approaches and outcomes -Work with councils and the LGA - where possible - to inform discussions with Government on future policy development and funding
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