GB-LONDON: Provision of Expert Car Parking Consultancy Support to Alexandra Park & Palace Charitable Trust (APPCT)
Provision of Expert Car Parking Consultancy Support to Alexandra Park & Palace Charitable Trust (APPCT) Rising above the North London skyline, Alexandra Park and Palace has provided entertainment and recreation for Londoners for over 150 years. The Palace is currently used for a range of live entertainment events, including concerts, exhibitions and sporting events, as well as weddings, banquets and conferences. Other attractions include a national-sized ice rink (popular with community groups, sporting clubs and the general public), a boating lake and a pub/bistro. Together, these events attracted over 1 million people per annum. Alexandra Park and Palace is unusual both as an event venue and as a site open to the public for general recreation, in that the Car Parking provided is currently free of charge. There are six main "public" Car Parks on site, with a total of 1218 spaces. Estimated usage: circa 260,000 vehicles p.a. Expert support is required to undertake the following: a. To provide advice and recommendations on the most appropriate Car Park charging model for Alexandra Park and Palace: b. To outline how the most appropriate Car Park charging model at Alexandra Palace might be managed and financed: c. To provide pricing structure recommendations and benchmarks: d. To identify the associated technology and infrastructure pre-requisites required to implement Car Park charging at Alexandra Palace: e. To provide concept recommendations for improving the design and layout of all public Car Parks at Alexandra Palace: f. To provide advice and guidance on future-proofing and sustainability: g. To provide advice and support on an appropriate communications approach: h. Advise on effective contract T&Cs i. Provide specification and procurement strategy. Documents can be downloaded from Delta by registering at:, or by placing a request from: Note: the deadline for clarifications; 17:00hrs, 25th March 2019 , deadline for submission of proposals: 12:00hrs noon, 29th March 2019.
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1 Possible Competitors