GB-London: T1244 - Characterising the compatibility of Pantographs and Overhead Contact Systems
Overall Objectives Ultimately the ambition for compatibility assessment will be to have a set of reference cases for combinations of Overhead Contact Systems (OCS), Pantographs and maximum speeds (which we will simply refer to as Compatibility Matrix) for which, within the parameters defined, have proven compatibility and for which aim to minimise the testing and analysis required to introduce a new vehicle - OCS combination based on similarity to existing precedents . This will simplify the compatibility and authorisation process of new rolling stock which will in turn: •Reduce the cost and duration of compatibility assessments. •Expedite compatibility assessments for new and cascaded vehicle introduction, allowing the industry to be more dynamic and flexible in usage of rolling stock. •Allow for greater operational flexibility for short-term fleet substitutions and diversions. Project Objectives This research projects intends to 1.Test the suitability of a such a generalised approach of using the Compatibility Matrix 2.Populate the Compatibility Matrix with validated cases. The focus of this study is to produce the most common pantograph(s) - OCS combinations. A partially populated Compatibility Matrix has been put together by Network Rail which includes maximum permissible speeds for multiple OCS-Pantograph combinations, this will be included as part of the Invitation to Tender. 3.Demonstrating some of the existing proven capabilities for existing pantograph -OCS combinations could provide an evidence base to potentially draft a new RIS which would support the introduction of new rolling on existing legacy infrastructure when used in conjunction with RIS-8270-RST (Route Level Assessment of Technical Compatibility between Vehicles and Infrastructure), GMRT-2173 (Size of Vehicles and Position of Equipment) and GMRT2111 (Rolling Stock Subsystem and Interface to AC Energy Subsystem).
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CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
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1 Possible Competitors