GB-London: T1257 -Defining safe and efficient guard-controlled door operation methods of working
This project aims to provide the GB rail industry with best practice guidance for guard-controlled door operations that optimised dwell time and safety. To achieve this objective the project will: •Review different methods of working for guard-controlled door operations identified on the GB network and comparable railway systems. It will take into consideration the tasks and processes associated with train arrival, dwelling and departing from a station. •Cover all scenarios where the guard has any safety critical role in door operations. This includes Driver Open, Conductor Close operations and TRTS / CD / RA platform dispatch. •Consider all aspects that impact the time taken to undertake methods of working for guard-controlled door operations. This includes mechanical and physical processes (e.g. length of hustle alarm) as well as activities undertaken directly by the guard. •Use real-world data to characterise how long different methods of work across the network (by different TOCs) take in practice. •Undertake safety risk analysis to identify and assess risks associated with tasks undertaken directly by the guard and other (physical and mechanical) processes. •Characterise how risk is affected by any potential changes to methods of working using appropriate risk analysis techniques (for example, hierarchical task analysis). It will consider if extended time taken introduces additional risk at the PTI and how this compares to current methods of working. •Use the desk-based review, real-world data and risk analysis to identify best practice guidance for guard-controlled door operations covering a significantly board set of scenarios captures the majority of guard-based door operations on the GB network. •Use real-world data to compare dwell times with NR timetable planning figures to identify if dwell allocations accurately reflect the time taken by guards.
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1 Possible Competitors