GB-Lowestoft: Cefas Thornback ray survivability in the Thames otter trawl
NOTE: This notice was updated on 12 July 2017 for the following reason: DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS FRIDAY 21ST JULY 2017 - this replaces any previously advertised closing dates, see RFQ document for full detailsPLEASE DOWNLOAD THE FULL TENDER DETAILS BY REGISTERING AT The primary objective of this project is to estimate survival rate of discarded juvenile and adult thornback ray (Raja clavata) caught in the Thames thornback ray otter trawl fishery. The information may be used to support an application for exemption from the Landing Obligation (LO) under the high survival provision. The information on thornback ray discard survival may be used to supplement management advice, in particular in constructing Discard Plans and evidencing applications for exemptions to the Landing Obligation (LO) for thornback ray under the high survival provision. The trials will take place between July 2017 and October 2017. The work will involve a maximum of 6 days of fishing under charter, possibly spread over several weeks, with a possible routine of a few day's fishing followed by several days monitoring the survival of thornback ray returned to an onshore tank system. The study will involve the capture and release of live thornback ray that have been tagged using data storage tags, as well as the retention and landing of live thornback ray in tanks for captive monitoring studies. The survey will require two scientist to be onboard the vessel while fishing. This tender is seeking an otter trawler, with a skipper experienced in fishing for thornback ray in the Thames study area.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
34513100 - Fishing vessels
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors