GB-Lowestoft: Landscape Character and Settlement Fringe Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis SCDCPROC247Q
Suffolk Coastal District Council (SCDC), Ipswich Borough Council (IBC), Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils are moving forward with their respective Local Plans in an aligned way. Preparation and review of their Local Plans will consider how best to deliver new development in the most appropriate locations. Considerable joint working is between the four authorities is taking place on evidence and consistent strategic policy approaches across the four authority areas. In addition, each local authority will have less strategic locally specific policies covering a range of topic areas. Experienced landscape consultants are invited to undertake a Landscape Character Assessment for Suffolk Coastal District Council and Settlement Fringe Sensitivity Analysis for the four authorities. The aim is to provide a detailed understanding the unique combination of elements and features that contribute to the character of the local landscape and provide an analysis of the sensitivity of landscape in particular around the rural-urban fringe to key settlements to future development.
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1 Possible Competitors