GB-Lowestoft: Scallop fishing vessel hire to assist us with our research surveysof scallop stocks in the English Channel and Celtic Sea
NOTE: This notice was updated on 06 September 2016 for the following reason: Cefas have now extended the application time for this opportunity. Closing date for online bids and applications is now Friday 17th September 2016 17:00hrsCefas in collaboration with industry will be carrying out a research project in the scallop fisheries and adjacent areas located in the English Channel and Celtic Sea with the aim of determining stock status. This will involve determining the distribution and abundance of the whole stock and will require sampling within currently fished grounds and areas outside. These studies require one or two fishing industry collaborators with an interest in the sustainability of the stocks, local knowledge and experience of this fishery. The project is funded partially by Defra (Department for the Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science). Defra and Cefas are committed to promoting the long-term future of the UK fishing industry and achieving Good Environmental Status under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. This project will set the foundations for long term monitoring and assessment of scallop stocks in English Waters. In the immediate term, some scoping will be carried out this year (2016) and we are planning to carry out the first full dredge survey next year (2017/18). FULL DETAILS IN TEDNER PACKAGE
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
34513550 - Survey vessels
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors