GB-Manchester: 500 ACE ITT Process and impact evaluation of the Museums and Schools programme
Arts Council England (ACE) are seeking a service provider to conduct a process and impact evaluation of the Museums and Schools programme from its inception in 2012 to present. The evaluation will provide in-depth insight and evidence of the impact the Museums and Schools programme has had on participating museums, schools and the pupils and teachers reached through the programme, against expected aims and outcomes outlined in the programme's Theory of Change (ToC) . It should in turn identify learnings from this ten-year investment in the programme that may inform future development of this programme in the current funding and policy context and more broadly, inform ACE and DfE's current and future place-based approaches to investment in children and young people (CYP).
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CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors