GB-Merseyside: TR014 - Ground Source Heat Pump Installation, Delph Lane, Whiston.
About Torus Group On 1st April 2015, Golden Gates Housing Trust ("GGHT") and Helena Partnerships ("HP") entered into a Group Structure to form the Torus Group. A unique housing Group, Torus combines the very best of two local, community led landlords. Sound governance, a strong asset base and significant financial capacity enables us to do more. To provide more opportunities for the communities we serve, build more new homes and enhance the services we provide to our tenants and customers. With a local focus and national perspective, we are committed to delivering urban and social regeneration, accelerating regional growth and contributing towards a sustainable economy. Blending commercial initiative with social purpose, we place people at the heart of our vision. By developing and connecting thriving communities. By creating local jobs and opportunities. By improving health and wellbeing. By doing all this and more, we are creating a legacy that extends far beyond the homes we build and the services we offer. We create better places, better prospects and better futures. Torus will deliver social and physical regeneration and economic impact. Using our significant strategic capacity and geographical presence in the region, we will work with strategic partners on shared agendas including jobs, health, transport links and digital connectivity. Tender Detail The works comprise the installation of a ground source heat pump system to 4nr blocks of flats in the Whiston area of Merseyside. The flats are owned by Torus 62 Ltd and all works are to be carried out in accordance with the works specification. The installation of Communal Ground Source Heating, communal bore holes with heat pumps and mains fed hot water storage system to serve each dwelling, Complete with metering for Renewable Heat Incentives (RHI) purposes. The Contract Programme is of vital importance to this project - and all work must be completed before 31st March 2017. The contractor is to allow for the needs of this programme within their tender submission. The closing date for return of tenders is Friday 18th November @ 12noon. The priced form of tender and schedule of works is to be submitted before this deadline along with a copy of the completed qualitative method statements. Programme start date is 12th December 2016 with a completion date of 31st March 2017. As noted within the tender documentation a second tender price is required for an accelerated 8 week programme to be completed before 8th March 2017. Both price submissions are to be returned before the tender deadline. The winning tenderer will be required to sign a data protection/information sharing agreement alongside the contract documentation.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45232141 - Heating works
45331000 - Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work
45331100 - Central-heating installation work
65400000 - Other sources of energy supplies and distribution
39715000 - Water heaters and heating for buildings; plumbing equipment
71314310 - Heating engineering services for buildings
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Website :
Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors