GB-Newcastle: T22/0056 - Demolition of Wynne Jones Building
NOTE: This notice was updated on 31 July 2024 for the following reason: Values quoted include VAT. Addition £191,912.47 added to the contract sum to cover several ERIs issued alongside the original contract to amend the hoarding system, produce a time lapse of the demolition, remove additional asbestos found on 3rd floor and in WJN305, extend cut lines, removal of ground slab, prelims for the additional works and the production of a pile mat.(Demolition works including partial removal of upper frame and floors, ground floor, substructure and below ground obstructions, plus removal of all asbestos, desk study / survey, soft strip works, demolition of all brickwork to the perimeter of the building, all external cladding, internal partitions. In-situ plotting of piled foundations and benchmarks, protection to Central Motorway retaining wall and Northumbrian Water sewers. Works to or affecting new and / or existing services including drainage, recycling off-site of demolition arisings; Testing and certifying as Type 1 sub-base material (where suitable) and temporary protection to structure that is to be retained at completion of demolition works. ADDITIONAL WORKS - Further investigations of the Wynne Jones structure once initial demolition works were completed revealed considerable constraints with the existing concrete frame. These constraints would have led to inefficient floorplates and floor to ceiling heights that wouldn't comply with Building regulations in certain areas. Therefore, it was no longer viable to retain the structure and the decision was taken to demolish the full building.)
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45110000 - Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work
45111100 - Demolition work
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
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Buyer Information
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors