GB-Nottingham: AP2316 - Lightning Protection and Fall Arrest Equipment 2024-32
NOTE: This notice was updated on 06 June 2024 for the following reason: Amended tender deadline from 7th June 2024 to 14th June 2024.(Repairs, servicing and maintenance of lightning protection systems and fall arrest equipment. SCAPE on behalf of Arc Property Services Partnership Ltd (the Client), are seeking to set up a new Contract for the repairs, servicing and maintenance (RSM) of lightning protection systems and fall arrest equipment across various locations within the Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, South Yorkshire and Leicestershire areas. An element of new work installations may used be utilised by the Clients Construction Services. The NEC4 Term Service Short Contract will be used to assist the Client in conducting their RSM works. Please note: No warranty is given to the Contractor by neither SCAPE nor the Client as to the amount (if any) or nature of the service and/or work which may be required to be carried out by the Contractor during the Contract period and no claim for compensation either contractual or otherwise will be accepted in respect of any variation in the volume of the work. The service comprises of a number of elements including, but not limited to: •Lightening Protection Systems •High level personnel restraint systems ('Man Safe' systems) •Safety testing of harnesses •Works and inspections of: oChimneys (brick, concrete or steel) oOther monolithic structures A full overview to the services required can be found within documents K01 of the procurement documents. The Contract will be in place for a period of 2 years, with the option to extend for three further periods of 2 years (2 + 2 + 2 +2 = max 8 years). Projects will vary in value but as an indication (based on the last 12 months), they may be: £1-£100 (17%) £100-£500 (48%) £500-£1,000 (17%) £1,000-£5,000 (14%) +£5,000 (4%) The Procurement will be conducted as a 1 stage, Open tender, split into 2 parts: Part 1 - Selection Stage - Bidders must meet all off the necessary selection criteria and provide answers to the questions asked. Part 2 - Award Stage - Bidders will be evaluated on their submitted prices and answers to specific quality questions in order to achieve a price/quality score. The top scoring Bidder will be invited to enter the Contract. Please note: Arc Partnership reserve the right to establish communication with the awarded Contractor, prior to the Contract start date. Full details of the process can be found within the tender documents.)
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45312310 - Lightning-protection works
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Website :
Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors