GB-Shrewsbury: POCV 007 - Community Postural Stability Instruction Pilot Programme
Shropshire Council's Public Health is seeking to commission the delivery of a two and half year Community Postural Stability Instruction Pilot programme as part of a whole system approach to falls prevention across the local health economy to commence in Spring 2017. This will test and develop an effective sustainable model for the delivery of a single community-based postural stability programme to reduce the impact of falls and falls- related injuries. The provider will work in collaboration to: •Create a cohort of independent exercise providers, qualified to deliver Postural Stability exercise as part of the local falls prevention infrastructure. •Establish a delivery model for evidence-based community based exercise postural stability classes, enabling older people to be referred from local health services •Deliver a two year programme of evidence-based falls prevention postural stability classes in key community locations across Shropshire It is estimated that around 19,000 older people will fall in Shropshire each year and that around 3,800 of those will have injurious falls. One third of people aged over 60, and half of those aged over 80, are likely to fall at least once a year. The consequences can be life changing and life threatening - around 30% of older people who sustain a hip fracture die within a year. Falls are not, however, an inevitable part of ageing. Falls prevention work seeks to prevent the first fall, prevent the next fall, prevent an injurious fall and reduce the severity of injuries from fall. Falls Prevention is a key work programme for Shropshire's Better Care Fund, Shropshire HWB Prevention Programmes, and the Community Fit Clinical Pathway for falls, fractures and frailty.
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CPV Codes
80561000 - Health training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors