GB-Shrewsbury: RMNB 035 - Exterior Restoration of Cambrian Railway Building
This is a contract award notice to restore and make safe the Cambrian Railway Building in Oswestry. The Cambrian Railway Building is a Grade II listed building which is now in the ownership of Shropshire Council. The exterior is in a serious state of decay and repairs to the ornate corbels and replacement of eroded asbestos tiles on the roof are needed imminently to make the building safe for new uses, visitors and local pedestrians. The building is both the former Oswestry station and headquarters of the Cambrian Railway and is one of the finest examples of a regional railway headquarters building in the UK. In order to secure the building's future the outlined priority remedial works have been identified to bring the building to a suitable condition to host appropriate uses and to prevent further deterioration of the building. The works are outlined within the tender documents and briefly include: -replacement of existing roof tiles (including removal of existing ACM tiles by specialist licensed contractor) -install new roof covering, -repair and replacement of existing building corbels including associated installation of new fascais, soffit and stringer course. -Renewal and remedial works to rainwater goods -Additional repairs and redecoration to existing building fascias The building is Grade II listed and all repairs have been designed / specified with due consideration given to the status of the building and best practice in conserving the building. Contractors will need to demonstrate experience in carrying out similar works on protected historic buildings and experience in working with appropriate materials, including historic masonry construction.
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45261900 - Roof repair and maintenance work
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors