GBSLEP Workspace Study Audit of open workspace, lab, incubator, co-working and makers space across the GBSLEP Area and identification of future opportunities
The Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP) is seeking to commission an audit of the current workspace offer across the GBSLEP geography and to consider the value of different types of workspace to Greater Birmingham both locally, and more widely, economically, environmentally and socially, now and in the future. This should include research and information on the range of workspaces available including labs (and types of), clean workspace, open space, co-working environments, incubators and accelerators. This research is intended to create a greater understanding of the challenges for employment/workspace and how, if appropriate, the public sector can safeguard and support existing workspace and encourage the creation of new capacity, potentially on the back of regeneration and housing growth as well as the opportunities arising from the pandemic and changes to working patterns and forecast growth for certain sectors. Please apply by accessing the procurement documents via the GBSLEP website
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1 Possible Competitors