GLA 81392 ABP Dock Edge Footway Works
The Greater London Authority has identified a requirement for public realm improvements at the ABP Dock Edge Footway. The work will cover hard and soft landscaping, especially in regards to the dock edge railing and the opening up of the dock edge path in front of the ABP Development site. The successful supplier will be involved in, among other things: repair and replacement of surfaces; removal and disposal of existing mesh fencing to dock edge; installation of new dock edge fencing, to match existing; repair of path end gates, and installation of new gates. The purpose of this Selection Questionnaire (SQ) is to get initial understanding of interested suppliers' financial standing and experience with similar works. It is anticipated this SQ will shortlist a maximum of five highest scoring qualifying tenderers to be invited to tender, at GLA/TfL's discretion. You will find two WinZip files under this advertisement: 1)The Selection Questionnaire - there are two documents: the questionnaire and the instructions for completion; all interested suppliers need to complete the questionnaire and return by 28th June 2019 at 12 noon. 2)Draft ITT documents and terms and conditions - These documents are for information purposes only as they have not been finalised but they may help interested suppliers to complete the SQ by familiarising themselves with the requirement in more detail. The final version will be shared with all suppliers who are successful at the SQ stage and invited to tender All submissions should be done via the eTendering portal ProContract - the opportunity is advertised here:
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors