GLA - 27240 Healthy Early Years London and Healthy Schools Programme delivery and re-design
Commencement Date: September 2022 Completion Date: March 2024 1Introduction The Greater London Authority (GLA) is seeking to appoint an organisation to deliver and re-design the Mayor of London's Healthy Early Years London and Healthy Schools London programmes. The contract will be to deliver the programmes in their current form for the next academic year, alongside re-designing them for a second phase of delivery from September 2023. 1.1.Healthy Early Years London (HEYL) The Mayor of London's Healthy Early Years London awards programme was established in 2018. It is a key ambition of 'Better Health for Londoners', London's Health Inequalities Strategy and is targeted at London's 13,000+ childcare settings, with the aim of setting a new industry standard and tackling health inequalities across the city at the earliest opportunity in a child's life. For more information on HEYL visit 1.2. Healthy Schools London (HSL) The Mayor of London's Healthy Schools London awards programme was established in 2013. It provides a framework for schools to address health and wellbeing issues and supports London schools to create an environment and culture that helps their pupils to be healthy. All schools across every borough are eligible to join the programme. For more information on HSL Programme visit 2Aims 2.1The principle aim of this contract is to ensure a delivery organisation is in place to oversee and execute the necessary activities to ensure the Mayor of London's Healthy Early Years London and Healthy Schools London programmes are running efficiently and effectively. 2.2The first stage of work will include maintaining and processing applications, updating policy documents in line with current and national policy, managing communication with borough leads, organising quarterly network meetings for both programmes, managing the quality assurance and digital resources. 2.3Alongside this, the organisation will work with the GLA to establish a regional partnership approach for the delivery of both programmes from September 2023. This will include re-designing the programmes to meet the aims and objectives of the partnership to reduce child health inequalities across the region. This work will incorporate the recommendations of the recent review of the HEYL and HSL programmes. 2.4This re-design to a partnership approach must be complete by summer 2023 in order for the programmes to re-launch for a new phase of delivery in the September 2023. 5Interested organisations should email Anna Connell-Smith ( confirming whether you are interested in the project (by sending one of the below statements only) by 7th September 2022, 12 noon. •I confirm that I am interested in submitting a bid for the above project •I am not interest in submitting a bid for this project
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73200000 - Research and development consultancy services
73220000 - Development consultancy services
79416000 - Public relations services
75122000 - Administrative healthcare services
85300000 - Social work and related services
85100000 - Health services
79411000 - General management consultancy services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors