GLaM Heritage & Cultural Community Sites - Feasibility Study
Kettering Borough Council is inviting bids to: •conduct a feasibility study to assess our options to improve community facilities across a cluster of three Grade II listed heritage assets (Alfred East Art Gallery, Kettering Library and Manor House Museum), •make recommendations for taking the project forward ensuring commercial viability, •determine costs and potential revenue generation. The study should include; -Physical offering of the sites -Summarise existing use -Reviewing site plans and surveys -Consult with existing users (staff and community) -Market demand Assess offering within wider geographical context considering creative and cultural industry (growth agenda), heritage and cultural tourism and community services -Options and associated costs The options should range from those that require low level investment that could be delivered through existing council resource, through to more ambitious plans with large capital investment approx. £2.5m (preferably in two phases, with first phase deliverable by March 2021) -Outputs and Outcomes Outline the anticipated outputs (ie: job creation, business start-ups, learning space) and outcomes (ie: improved social impact, community resilience, contribution to town centre improvement); and how they are aligned to the options, making reference to how they contribute to Kettering Corporate priorities, Area Action Plan, SEMLEP's Local Industrial Strategy and the Local Growth Fund guidelines. -Commercial viability & VfM Detail the commercial viability and projected income against lifelong costs with associated value for money explanation. Include benchmarking and insight -Initial architectural drawings Drawings of preferred option as identified by Kettering Borough Council The aspirations for the sites include; -Offering start-up workspace and business support to the creative industry -Increase the Gallery and Museum offering through improved facilities -Physically connecting the sites -Commercial offer expansion -Visitor destination
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71200000 - Architectural and related services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors