Global Capacity Building
Grant management The distribution and management of grants to support global health partnerships. Including but not limited to volunteering/fellowship programmes at individual NHS providers and/or ICS/ICB for local, regional, and healthcare alliances which support system-to-system collaboration between priority countries. In-country activity to support HEE health partnerships Stand-up capacity and capability in partner countries to support the successful delivery of HEE global health partnership programming. Including but not limited programme facilitators and co-ordinators, facilities, translation and system support linked to Ethical Migratory Pathways etc. Technical inputs to HEE programmes Provide development expertise to compliment NHS expertise to enable HEE health partnerships. Including but not limited to inputs to technical collaboration and consultancy programming, the adaptation and contextualisation of NHS expertise, Promotion of health partnership activity and global health citizenship Deliver activities promoting the benefits of engaging in global health partnership activity including but not limited to events, digital materials, policy briefings and thought leadership, best-practice toolkits, and direct engagement with staff and organisations to build their capacity. Outcomes: •Increased access to global learning opportunities for NHS staff locally and regionally through global health partnerships •Increased awareness of the benefits to NHS staff, NHS systems, and global partners through health partnership activity •More appropriate NHS programming for Low- and Middle- Income Countries with specialist international development expertise to compliment NHS technical knowledge •More impactful NHS global programming through better contextualisation of our expertise and in-country support to projects and progammes
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CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors