Gloucestershire Entrenched Homeless Social Impact Bond (SIB) OJEU ref: 2017/S 128-261497
The Gloucestershire Consortium of 6 district councils, Gloucestershire County Council, and Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (led by Gloucester City Council) is one of 8 areas across England recently approved by the Department of Communities and Local Government for funding to commission an entrenched homeless Social Impact Bond service. Please see for DCLG overview press release. The new service will provide intensive support to a fixed cohort of 110 entrenched rough sleepers and repeat users of homeless services across Gloucestershire, with an expectation to develop innovative practice such as approximation of 'Housing First' methodology. Caseworkers will facilitate engagement with their clients and maintain long-term support - along every step of their journey from street to accommodation, including through setbacks. This innovative support will help those who have not responded to previous and traditional services. Its purpose is to help each individual to access and sustain housing and wider outcomes. Payments will be made by result, with maximum underwritten funding from DCLG to be �990,000 over 3 1/2 years. Outcomes and outcome rates are pre-determined by DCLG, which include outcomes related to access and sustainment of accommodation, healthcare services, training and employment, etc. The service provider will need to secure funding from a social investor to deliver the service; quarterly results will lead to quarterly payments from the DCLG via the commissioner, for the provider to pay the investor. Summary of agreement between provider and investor will be requested in the forthcoming invitation to tender. For further details please visit -
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1 Possible Competitors