GMCA 842.1 Citizen Led Security Standards Project Phase 2
The Citizen Led Security Standards (CLSS) project is aiming to mitigate vulnerability and build trust by bringing the Greater Manchester Information Board (GMIB), GMCA's Public Service Reform (PSR) programme, Changing Futures (CF) and Local Authorities (LAs) and communities together and co-creating a Data Sharing Map which provides understanding and transparency around data sharing practices. This stage two of the project builds on phase one which delivered an Insights Report. In phase two, continued partnerships with GMCA, Open Data Manchester, University of Manchester and Honeybadger Clan will allow the preparation of the project in Phase 1, for the mapping of current data sharing practices in phase two. The funding for phase two will allow the partner organisations to undertake the following activity: Strategic planning, facilitation of workshops and activities, project management and administration in support of delivery. Activity will take the form of desk-based research, data analysis, workshops and user testing. There will be on-going communications of the work, and the key output of the work will be a mapping of current data sharing practices for the Changing Futures programme along with a report of how this will bring transparency and build trust with members of the public as they are empowered to understand how their data is being used and shared. Support of CLSS has been approved by the Greater Manchester Information Board in support of the delivery of the GM Information Strategy. The vision for the strategy is to "create a better information ecosystem that realises the full potential of information; manages, shares, and uses information responsibly; helps to tackle our most serious challenges; and supports Greater Manchester's wider ambitions" Community Engagement has been identified as a priority area for the delivery of the GM Information Strategy and this support the wider ambitions of the GMCA to develop a Partnership engagement platform. The outputs and learnings from this project can be used and a use case within a higher level GMCA engagement platform and provide an example of mapping data in order to engage with the public. In consideration of the GM Information Strategy missions, the CLSS project directly delivers on: Mission 1 - Foster trust between the people, communities, & and businesses of GM through greater transparency Mission 2 - Promote & maintain the responsible & ethical use of information. Mission 3 - Establish inclusive and proactive governance to drive strategy Mission 5 - Develop & implement the tools, infrastructure and standards needed to manage and use information properly In alignment with GMCA's values, the CLSS project inherently through its approach and deliverables aims to: - Reduce **inequality** through doing the right thing with **information** - Build **trust and confidence** through information-led **decision making** - Doing things **differently** through fostering a **culture** of openness There
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