GMCA 873 Roof Condition and Structural Surveys and Reports
GMCA is working with its ten Local Authorities (LA) to develop a school's solar PV collective purchase campaign called 'Powering Our Schools'. The aim of the campaign is to accelerate deployment of solar PV on school roofs. r r The collective purchase procurement exercise for 'Powering Our Schools' is currently scheduled for early spring 2024. GMCA is currently working with its Local Authorities to approve a pipeline of LA maintained schools that are suitable for participating in the collective purchase procurement exercise. r r Critical to determining the suitability of each shortlisted LA maintained school is the completion of: r 1.a roof condition survey; and r 2.a structural investigation of the roof structure.r r This will support GMCA and GM Local Authorities to finalise the pipeline for procurement and ultimate delivery of the solar PV installations. r r The work will be funded by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (the Client), who will be the key point of contact for delivery of this commission. However, the supplier will be required to also work closely with participating GM Local Authorities and schools including to obtain relevant background information and site access for surveys.r r The purpose of the roof condition survey and structural investigation (per school) is to:r •provide an assessment on the condition of the roof and its suitability for installing photovoltaic panels (PV) with consideration of any repair/ roof warranty liabilities; r •provide an assessment of the structural loading capacity of the roof and the maximum size of solar PV that it could accommodate; r •identify any remedial works required to make it suitable for solar PV, with an assessment of budget costs to complete these works; andr •identify any other considerations relevant to the design and/ or installation of solar PV (such as roof geometry, access arrangements, etc) that could help to inform a future procurement exercise for the design and installation of roof-mounted solar PV. r r GMCA and GM LAs are seeking to use the reports to help decide whether to include the school in a planned school solar PV collective purchase procurement exercise. To support with this decision the report will provide a clear recommendation on the suitability of the school roof for solar PV,r
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1 Possible Competitors