GMCA 407 The provision of Maintenance Services for Station End Mobilisation Equipment on behalf of Greater Manchester, Cheshire, Cumbria and Lancashire Fire Rescue Services
Four North West Fire and Rescue Services (Greater Manchester FRS, Cheshire FRS,Cumbria FRS and Lancashire FRS) operate from a combined North West Fire Control room(NWFC) at Lingley Mere, Warrington. NWFC mobilise on behalf of the four FRS.It should be noted that the NWFC contract is not within the scope of this document andherefore this contract relates to the mobilising message once it “clears” the firewall atNWFC, any mobilising faults on the NWFC side will be diagnosed and resolved by the NWFCcontractor. In addition to this if the site is a shared site with other emergency services orstakeholders then these partners and their associated equipment are not in scope. Only FireService equipment is to be supported and maintained by this contract.It is envisaged that the successful tenderer will manage the mobilising message across theFRS networks to receipt and successful mobilisation at station end.The successful bidder will be expected to manage any third party faults such as networkfailures in resolving any incidents.Each FRS has provided a list of equipment that they wish to be maintained with an option forpreventative maintenanceIt is envisaged (but not confirmed) that the following FRS’s will be utilising this contract;• Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service• Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service• Cumbria County Council• Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service.Cumbria is currently undergoing a local government reorganisation and the Government hasannounced that Cumbria County Council is to be replaced by two unitary authorities witheffect from 1 April 2023. This Contract is for use by Contracting Authorities identified in thecontract notice and any body (or bodies) which may succeed those Contracting Authoritiesin substantially performing fire and rescue functions. Cumbria County Council shall beentitled to transfer its rights and obligations under the Contract to any such successor.A list of stations, along with the list of equipment per FRS to be included within the scope ofhis contract is attached – see doc ref. GMFRS 407 FRS Equipment2022.xlsxThe contractor shall be responsible for the “Mobilising function” without technical recourse,or assistance from all participating FRS’s, for clarity we define the “Mobilising function” as:Once a mobilising message is passed across the NWFC Firewall and on to the relevantbearer, the responsibility for the mobilising function becomes the contractor’s responsibility,his includes:1. Diagnosis of Data Network related faults interrupting mobilising messages.2. Interrogation, when required, of station end log files to complete root cause analysis offaults. Reports of findings would be required.3. Passing them to the current circuit provider for resolution.4. Diagnosis of network switch/router failure, and informing the relevant contractor.5. Station end failure such as mains outage.6. Liaising with the appropriate FRS point of contact.7. Provide a single point of contact (Service Desk)8. Provision of Management information and metrics
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CPV Codes
50000000 - Repair and maintenance services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors