Advert for Freelancer Academy Training ProgrammeDescription of Framework ServicesGO Wales, a part ESF funded graduate employability programme, wishes to let a framework arrangement to put into place training for graduates in Wales who want to explore or take their first steps towards a freelancing career. This will build on a series of successful training programmes which ran throughout Wales in 2010 and 2011, following a pilot which took place in 2009.This strand of the GO Wales Programme is known as the Freelancer Academy, and it has provided training to 14 cohorts of graduates in total so far. The training programmes were underpinned by the ILM Level 3 Award in Starting Your Enterprise. HEFCW, the Project Sponsor for the GO Wales programme, would like to let a framework arrangement to run up to 14 further training programmes in the period 2012 to 2014 with an expected 204 participants in total. We are looking for a supplier to provide the following services: •Devise a suitable short programme which will lead to the achievement of the ILM Award in Starting Your Own Enterprise or equivalent qualification, and•Deliver a series of training programmes at venues across Wales for approximately 204 participants (subject to demand).The framework arrangement is expected to run from February / March 2012 until November 2014. For general information on GO Wales please visit will be short listing interested suppliers using a Pre-Qualification Process. A maximum of eight suppliers will be invited to tender. If you are interested in tendering, you will need to register on the eTenderwales portal and follow the detailed directions below and upload your completed pre-qualification questionnaire by the closing date and time: 5pm Friday 18th November 2011.Completed Pre-Qualification Questionnaires will then be used to short list to a maximum of eight suppliers, who will be invited to tender. If you have any queries with the completion of the questionnaire or any other part of the procurement process please contact Mrs Karen Wolliner, Procurement Manager, on 029 2068 2216 or via email at for using the eTenderwales portal:1. Register your company on the eTenderwales portal (this is only required once) - Browse to the eSourcing Portal: - Click the “Click here to register” link - Accept the terms and conditions and click “continue” - Enter your correct business and user details - Note the username you chose and click “Save” when complete - You will shortly receive an email with your unique password (please keep this secure)2. Express an Interest in the tender - Login to the portal with the username/password - Click the “Open Access PQQs” link. (These are Pre-Qualification Questionnaires open to any registered supplier) - Click on the relevant PQQ to access the content. - Click the “Express Interest” button in the “Actions” box on the left-hand side of the page. - This will move the PQQ into your “My PQQs” page. (This is a secure area reserved for your projects only) - Click on the PQQ code, you can now access any attachments by clicking the “Settings and Buyer Attachments” in the “Actions” box 3. Responding to the tender - You can now choose to “Reply” or “Reject” (please give a reason if rejecting) - You can now use the ‘Messages’ function to communicate with the buyer and seek any clarification - Note the deadline for completion, then follow the onscreen instructions to complete the PQQ - There may be a mixture of online & offline actions for you to perform (there is detailed online help available)If you require any further assistance use the online help, or the BravoSolution help desk is available Mon – Fri (8am – 6pm) on:- eMail: Phone: 0800 368 4850 / Fax: 020 7080 0480
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80521000 - Training programme services
80510000 - Specialist training services
80000000 - Education and training services
80300000 - Higher education services
80500000 - Training services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Attachments :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors