Government Office for Technology Transfer: Technology Transfer and Commercialisation DPS
The UK's public sector is a thriving source of innovation. DSIT has established a new unit, the Government Office for Technology Transfer (GOTT), to support public sector organisations to unlock the potential of that innovation through the development and exploitation of knowledge assets (KAs). Within the public sector, KA's include intangible assets such as intellectual property, datasets, new ideas, processes, or methods, together with organisational knowhow and expertise. Exploitation routes include commercialisation or wider adoption within UK government or the wider public sector. The outcomes are similar - delivering benefit for the UK economy and society. GOTT is launching a new Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) containing multiple professional services categories from which we intend to draw down relevant sector-specific expertise in support of individual projects and developing wider capability focused on KAs. We are seeking experts with experience in Technology Transfer and Commercialisation to provide hands-on support and guidance to public sector organisations, GOTT's 'clients'. Many projects will involve the translation and commercialisation of KAs into opportunities which maximise economic, financial and/or societal benefits. Some projects may also focus on supporting GOTT's clients to develop their own internal capabilities to better manage and exploit their KAs in the future. GOTT's clients will hold KAs which have been identified to have potential for wider market adoption and commercialisation and wish to understand routes to exploit these assets. Dependent upon the needs of each client project, providers might be commissioned to help assess the market potential for client-owned assets or help to evaluate the route to market where potential has already been identified, in order to advance the commercial case for development and exploitation. There may also be targeted support focused on intellectual property identification, due diligence, and protection.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors