Graffiti Guidance for Local Authorities, Business Improvement Districts and Independent Business Owners
To examine existing research into financial and other costs related to graffiti and fly-posting and present a robust estimate of financial costs associated with cleaning up graffiti and fly-posting. To explore current LA practices as related to graffiti removal, including the use of community volunteers, paid or contracted services, in-house operation, community payback scheme and any other approaches arising. To develop a model to compare cost effectiveness of different graffiti and fly-posting interventions. To look at international examples of successful approaches to managing graffiti and fly-posting To consider the role of digital tools such as apps to assist local authorities identifying and targeting graffiti or fly-posting hotspots, including compiling a list of available tools. To work with a range of stakeholders to develop an advisory guidance document for those who manage graffiti and fly-posting, including examples of good practice (based on findings from above research) and a summary of available enforcement options.
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