GREAT Food and Drink - international market research 2023
The UK Government's food and drink promotional activity overseas is led by the GREAT campaign team in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and delivered in partnership with the Department of International Trade (DIT). The campaign objectives are to: 1.Increase awareness and positive perceptions of UK food and drink among consumer and trade audiences in key international markets - leading to an increase in purchase intent. 2.Support DIT food and drink export objectives through collaborative development of promotional initiatives that convert to export leads/wins/expansions. In Autumn 2021 Defra commissioned Kantar Public to conduct a baseline study of knowledge, attitudes and current purchasing intentions and behaviour in relation to a number of UK food and drink categories in nine markets. The markets covered were four established markets of USA, China, Japan and UAE and five European markets; France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands and Belgium. In each country, two studies were undertaken: one among a representative sample of the general public and one among a sample of managers / owners of businesses in the hospitality trade. The insights gained from the baseline research have proved valuable in developing and confirming strategy. Defra wish to return to the established markets for the first post wave in the study and measure shifts in knowledge, attitudes and purchasing intentions and behaviours since the baseline.
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79310000 - Market research services
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