Greater Manchester Independent Care Sector Network (GMICSN)
Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (GMHSCP) is working with local partners to commission continued support to the Greater Manchester Independent Care Sector Network (GMICSN) and its partners. Expressions of interest are sought from individuals and organisations who have proven knowledge and experience of partnership working, co-design and co-production across health and social care. We have seen a very positive growth in the opportunities to have honest and constructive dialogue between commissioners and providers, and we are keen to build further on this to create conditions for true co-production to collaboratively tackle our challenges together. This is an exciting opportunity to build positively on the work to date, shaping and creating the next phase of development of the network across Greater Manchester. This will also help ensure that smaller providers have a strong voice and that local care organisations take genuine account of people who live and work in health and care services, from a range of sectors and backgrounds This contract will build on a range of positive work to date in order to • Strengthen and broaden the existing GM provider network • Build a sustainable model of provider partnership working as part of the Local Care Organisations and Integrated Commissioning Systems at neighbourhood level • Ensure positive and sustainable partnerships with Health and Social Care colleagues including the VCSE • Champion and drive up quality and good outcomes for people • Engage in the development of new models of health and care such as intermediate and transitional support models of care • Engage in the co-production, shaping and development of a dynamic care sector sustainability plan to ensure all partners understand projected needs and requirements This opportunity builds on the successful Provider Conference held in 2018 and other continued work with providers to date, and seeks to work towards a shared vision and aspirations, to develop and grow the network across Greater Manchester via co-production and engagement at a locality and strategic level. This is a developmental role, and the successful organisation/team will support the principles of co-production and shared values including personalisation and ethical working. They will create a shared development and action plan in partnership with a range of stakeholders and will continue to strengthen and develop relationships across all sectors in GM.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors