Greater Manchester's Hidden Talent - Talent Coach Commissioning: Bury and Wigan
Greater Manchester's Hidden Talent is a youth employment programme co-funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Led by Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisation (GMCVO), Hidden Talent is a partnership of voluntary, private and public sector organisations. Building on learning from the Greater Manchester Talent Match programme, it is a two-year investment creating greater cohesion within communities by helping hidden young people aged 18-25 progress towards and into employment and improve their self-esteem and wellbeing. Hidden young people are not in employment, education or training and not claiming the benefits to which they are entitled. GMCVO is commissioning organisations to deliver the Greater Manchester's Hidden Talent programme in the local authority areas of Bury and Wigan. We are looking for an organisation with established links in the local communities identified and the ability to provide strength-based and holistic support to hidden young people. This will be through the employment of Talent Coaches. Talent Coaches are named workers who offer hidden young people aged 18-25, one-to-one short or long-term support throughout their journey towards employment GMCVO will commission a maximum of two organisations to employ one or two part-time Talent Coaches: one Talent Coach for each local authority areas. The deadline for the application is 12 noon Monday 17th June 2019. It is expected that 30 percent of Hidden Talent beneficiaries will progress into employment with Talent Coaches also providing in-work support to help sustain employment. For an application form and associated documents please email
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1 Possible Competitors