
Green Deal Adviser Training


Please note that this is Model 1 of 3 different models. (the 3 models are described in the Tender Specification below - models 2 and 3 can be accessed via the Asset Skills website). The Government’s flagship Green Deal is to be launched in the early autumn 2012. The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has made available £1 million funding to support the training and qualification of Green Deal Advisors, Domestic and non-Domestic, across Great Britain in order to ensure that a sufficient number of qualified and certificated Advisors are available.Asset Skills, the Sector Skills Council responsible for the Built Environment has been asked to manage the delivery of this project throughout Great Britain.Asset Skills have developed a plan which seeks to deliver up to1000 qualified Green Deal Advisors utilising the most up to date qualifications. The training of Green Deal Advisors must be completed by the end of December 2012. Application ProcessThere are three different project models which are available for application and details are provided in section 3 of this document.Tender documents are available on line and can be downloaded at the Asset Skills website.To apply for a model please complete the relevant Tender Form and submit:•1 electronic hard copy to, PLUS •3 identical hard copies to Lucy Radford, 2 The Courtyard, 48 New North Road, Exeter, EX4 4EPAll documents, in email and hard copy form, must be received by 5pm on the 23rd May 2012.All tenders received after this date and time will be deleted and destroyed.All interested parties will have access to a Green Deal Advisor syllabus and trainer manuals, links on the Asset Skills website. Project Models (Please note: This is Model 1 of 3 models. Models 2 and 3 can be accessed via Asset Skills website. contract models have been devised to implement this challenging programme.Model 1 – Learning ProvidersAimed at supporting the development of Green Deal Advisors in small and medium sized enterprises (including independent EPC energy assessors) this model will seek to train 600 Green Deal Advisors targeted as shown below across the following regions:•South West60•South East60•London60•West Midlands60•East Midlands60•East of England60•Yorkshire & Humber 60•North West60•North East60•Scotland60•Wales 60Applications are invited from learning providers either operating alone or in partnership with employers/groups of employers. It is hoped that social enterprises with experience in the energy field will also be attracted to this model.Asset Skills will seek to contract with suitable learning providers by open procurement placing great emphasis on the quality of training to be delivered and the ability of recruiters to deliver completed qualifications by the end of December 2012.It is expected that the training of Green Deal Advisors in this model will ensure at least 1 day per month contact time in classroom, plus online and on the job training in order to deliver the underpinning knowledge vital to a competent Green Deal Advisor.The successful providers are responsible for final learner selection and should consider: •Access barriers to those learners who live and /or work in remote and rural areas.•Variety of Green Deal Advisor business models. Independent/self-employed, one stop shop organisations, partnerships of those organisations working in the built environment and energy sectors etc.•Priority given to those learners on the Asset Skills “Ready and Able” list. •We anticipate that the majority (approximately 90%) of learners will have an Energy Assessor, Home Inspector or level 3 Energy Advice (Home) qualification, with the remaining learners (10%) allowed to join the course where they can demonstrate an aptitude for energy efficiency training.Learning providers are:•Expected to contribute fully to the planning of long term deployment of the Green Deal Advisors and to ensure coverage of the regions in which they are training.•Expected to fully engage in the evaluation process and provide a written evaluation plus useful case studies.•Expected to be able to deliver the training in line with the timescales provided; June – December 2012.•Expected to have provision of energy assessor level training or equivalent – Providers that do not have this provision (or do not have partners with this provision) will not be considered.•Expected to attend training courses and information workshops developed by Asset Skills.•Aware that all prices/bids tendered must include all costs including Awarding Body Registration fees, materials costs, workbooks, additional re-test fees etc.•Welcome to submit partnership bids or bid across more than one region. However, no preference will be given to these collaborations/partnerships.Learning providers are expected to provide a price per learner within the Tender Form. This cost will then be broken down between the project funding and learner contribution depending on the size of the learner organisation.•Under 100 employees, learner contribution: 30%•101 – 299 employees, learner contribution: 40% •Above 300 employees, learner contribution:50% As a price guideline please note that we are suggesting a price range of £800 - £1,200 per learner, including employer/learner contribution


Published Date :

4th May 2012 12 years ago

Deadline :

23rd May 2012 12 years ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors